Astronomy is now Online

A series of lectures, translated videos, short videos and even live feed of actual space missions. All you need to know to build a strong background in Space and Astronomy

General Lectures

Online theoretical lectures handling various topics in space and astronomy, delivered by scientists, experts, and amateur astronomers.

Astronomy for People in a Hurry

Short videos on various topics in space and astronomy inspired by Neil DeGrasse Tyson and his book “Astrophysics for People in a Hurry”, and suitable for young ages

Astronomical Observation

The most important astronomical events that our team monitored and recorded; solar and lunar eclipses, conjunctions, transits, and more.

How the Universe Works?

A collection of short translated videos that discuss common questions and topics in space and astronomy

Space Missions Broadcast

Official broadcast of the launch of various space missions with coverage and commentary by our team, including a follow up to answer most common questions and comments.

Chosen Topics

Telescopes & Astrophotography

Every amateur astronomer dreams of capturing the beauty of the night sky, either with the naked eye or a camera, but where do we begin? which telescope and camera should I buy? Let’s answer these questions.

Space Exploration: Is it Worth the Money

What is the purpose of space exploration? What is its benefit to us, with all this money that is being spent on space missions? We are confronted with these questions every day.
Now is the time to answer them.

Our Solar System

ESA’s lecture in AL-Mostaqbal Library about the Solar System.
Let’s learn more about our small neighboring planets, and the gas giants. We take a small trip from the sun to the furthest parts of the solar system.

Calendars: an Astronomical Persepective

ESA’s lecture in Misr Public Library about the Astronomical origin of Calendars and how they came to be as we use them today. We discuss the history from a scientific perspective.

Online Courses

Lectures aren’t enough? Want to get more insight on a specific topic? Then our online courses is what your are looking for

Astrophotography 101

What happens when you combine two amazing fields like Astronomy and Photography together? You come out with something that enables us to see the hidden wonders of our universe; Astrophotography. It is seeing the invisible and revealing what our marvelous universe hides within.

Telescopes: Night Sky Secret

Telescopes are one of the most important tools for astronomical observation and the aspiration of astronomers all over the world. Let’s delve into the world of telescopes to learn the science behind this invention, its types, how to use it, and everything that qualifies us to choose the best telescope.